Tours for Reception places September 2025
If you would like to look round the school for a Reception place, we'd be delighted to show you round. Please call 01992 465739 to book a place. All tours are with the Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher. We will be able to show you our current setting and videos/photos of our brand new school your child will be coming to in September 2025!
If you book a tour and then can't make it, please call and let us know as we can facilitate you coming another day.
We look forward to seeing you!
Reception admissions
For Hertfordshire residents you need to complete a Hertfordshire County Council application form (here) which will be available online from 1st November 2024.
- Applications open from 1st November 2024 and close on 15th January 2025
- Allocation day is 16th April 2025
Please find more information here:
Please find the admissions rules here:
In year admissions
If you would like your child to join Westfield please call us on 01992 46739. You will need to make an in-year admission application via the link below:
Hertfordshire in-year applications
Children who start school in the middle of a year will have an introductory meeting with a member of staff prior to entry. Both parent and child need to attend these meetings if possible. The school admission policy is in line with the Hertfordshire procedures.